From June 12 to 16, 2023: private meeting of Elders in the Laurentians in Quebec
June 17: Public event at L'Interval, St-Lucie des Laurentides
June 18: Public event at the Botanical Garden in Montreal
A new balance for humanity
Today, the entire planet is impacted by profound changes of climatic origin leading to conflicts and numerous environmental disasters.
Bearers of Indigenous cultures from North, Central and South America have been walking this land for so many years that they know it's time to come together in the joy of sharing and in the spirit of reconciliation so that the world finds a new balance.
The mission of this summit is up to the challenge that awaits us: to unite us. Indeed, this meeting of all the elders of the North, the Center and the South carries a vision, that of unifying the peoples of all nations so that they speak with one voice. This consistency is a strong message sent to the world for our common future.

This vision was carried by Grandfather William Commanda, elder of the Algonquin people, spiritual leader and great promoter of environmental stewardship. but also made an Officer of the Order of Canada.
It was said in particular that the day when the condor of the South would meet the Eagle of the North, a great era of peace could be born.
In these troubled times where conflicts and environmental disasters are on the increase, the bearers of culture from the North, the Center and the South know that it is time to come together.
Mobilize Indigenous spiritual leaders from the Americas (North, Center and South) to promote intercultural and intergenerational sharing on contemporary issues.
Enable cross-cultural and cross-generational sharing on the role of Indigenous spiritual leaders as carriers of culture as a way to contribute to reconciliation and healing among all peoples.
Recognize Indigenous spiritual leaders for their outstanding contribution as guides and agents of change around the world.
Contribute to the protection of the elders, guardians of the Earth, and their knowledge by raising public awareness of their current realities.
Our objectives strongly align with those of major bodies and declarations international such as: - The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 11, 12 and 13) - The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage - UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 - Laudato Si and the Interfaith Initiative for the Protection of Tropical Forests
Our team
Ci Migwech!A big thank you to all our volunteers for their involvement in the Aigle-Quetzal-Condor project!
Their time, their energy, their commitment throughout this great adventure allowed us to achieve this great gathering in Quebec!
Their role is essential in the success of this event and we are very grateful to you!
Deepest gratitude from the entire project team!

Chef héréditaire algonquin

Porteuse de calumet et co-fondatrice de kina8at

Gardienne du sens - Direction générale

Porteuse de calumet et directrice de projet

Organisacœur - Responsable des bénévoles

Sophie Harvey Frédéric Guillien Ronan Cognet Marie Salabert

Emilie Lemieux Lise Faure Sophie Harvey Soham Houdot Amélie Levesque Valeria Taranto Maïté Weber Marie Salabert Nathalie Desjardins Christian Ferland Ronan Cognet Eric Goyenvalle Virginie Destuynder Claire Masson Nadia Girard Kim Savard Laforge Karine Labelle Sophie Martel Wenjing Gao Karine Léveillé Marie Eve Primeau Djelloul Meziani Philippe Tousignant Manon Mazenod Julia Lazzarotto Maria Caiazzo Pinda Diakho Solène Lévesque

Lise Gros-Louis Luc Dorion Danika Frappier François B Thurber Judith Harvey Frédéric Guillien Sylvie Savoie Mônica Souza Nadia Girard Kim Savard Laforge Karine Labelle Sophie Martel Wenjing Gao Rija Renaud Richard Perreault Jacques Guimond Patrice Babineau Genevieve Ethier Céline Mouton Catherine Savoie Natacha Imbault

Félissa Lareau Isabelle Vachon Esther Giroux Michele Bisson Nathaly Chénier Michel Payment Nathalie Légaré Margot Brisson Marie-Pier Lapalme Marie-Josée Lareau Alexandre Bougeard Jérôme Dallaire Rosanna Pettinati Anaïs Castagné Natalie Alvarado Raymond Jacques Lyna Mourad Annie Lefebvre Pascale Béliveau Félix Saint-Denis Alexandre Phaneuf Florance Brisard
The words of nos dignitaries
The words of our participants on Envol 2022
Very nice ceremony, happy to have participated with my daughter for the first time, migwech for the unconditional love and the message of peace
Annie Thouin
Congratulations to everyone and Migwech for this beautiful ceremony
John Trudel